Between all of them, you should come out with the basic knowledge you need. Since everybody learns differently, we have also linked a few other sources that may help explain the same topics better. Our resident expert Neil has written a nice document for you to read and gain the knowledge you need in this area. But, most of us don't want to have to write out every single 1 and 0 on a machine, so we use what's called 'Hexadecimal'. Binary is the fundamental building block of the computer and thus, it inherently is the building block of ROMhacking. The first thing you're going to need to know before you do much of anything is a little bit about binary and hexadecimal(shorthand form of binary). If at all through this section, you get stuck on any terminology, feel free to look it up in our Dictionary of ROMhacking Terms!

Here is an outline of what we'll be seeing on our tour: Contents: We're going to show you around and point you to what you need to know to start helping yourself with all our beginner level documents on your own! After all, ROMhacking is very much a self taught hobby. However, sometimes these beginner documents still don't quite start at the beginning. We have taken the time to label all the documents and utilities in our database that we feel are helpful for beginners just like you. It doesn't matter if you're going to try and do translations, graphical hacks, or level hacks, you really need the same fundamental knowledge for any kind of ROMhacking. This section will try and help clarify these things for you. What should you be looking for? What do you need? Where do you start? So, you want to be a ROMhacker? If you're reading this, you're probably overwhelmed at the large number of utilities and documents available on this site.